Theophile obenga congolese historian, egyptologist, and linguist. Theophile obenga, ahsa convention asha, march 31, 1995. Obenga is a historian, egyptologist, and linguist with the great senegalese historian sheikh anta diop. It is the foundation and order of the world that is expressed in four basic areas, according to theophile obenga.
Le professeur theophile obenga atil pete les plombs. The name olugbenga having moon sign as taurus is represented by the bull and considered as fixed normally, people with the name olugbenga are very patient. For decades egyptian civilization had perniciously been representation as slave. He specializes in family medicine, adult medicine, and more. This view of the hegelian philosophy of history has become almost a common opinion and an academic paradigm in western historiography. Synchronic linguistics is the study of a language at any given moment. Ancient egypt and black africa theophile obenga on. Obenga notes that all these ideas can be found in presentday african society. But obenga is also a great intellectual with an immense array of knowledge in linguistics, philosophy, history and pure science. Often, theophile obenga is regarded as a second fiddle to cheikh anta who was really an enormous multidisciplinary master. By using the interlocking studies of diachronic and. Aug 04, 2012 it is a system whose goal is to defend against chaos in nature and society.
This video recording, dated march 31, 1995, consists of two. Bantu or coptic the debate synopsis exposing logical fallacies. Theophile mwene ndzale obenga egyptologue, linguiste et historien. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats. The minoan writing called linaer b in crete, around 1500 bc, did not reveal any philosophical or scientific texts the greeks adopted phoenician writing around 800 bc, and completed it by adding signs, which. Prof emeritus theophile obenga on the african origin of socalled greek.
The study of writing provides a rich domain of cultural history and ideas which interwave the disciplines of philosophy and religion, linguistics and humanistic inquiry in his book entitled the aryan origin of the alphabet published in london in 1927, l. Theophile obenga is a professor emeritus, formerly at san francisco state university, in the africana studies center. Bantu or coptic the debate synopsis exposing logical. Theophile obenga born 1936 in the republic of the congo is professor emeritus in the. They gave the names of thirtysix stars which rise within ten days of each other at the same time as the sun.
Obenga merits a response because it will illustrate the afrocentric approach to academic discourse. Awe, olugbenga a, md 242 s coastal hwy, midway, ga 320. Bhasin v hrynew an innovative expansion of the common law doctrine of good faith. Theophile obenga, one of the worlds foremost linguists, has diachronic and synchronic linguistics to solve this problem. Upcoming, new, and past gbenga akinnagbe movies, tv shows, tv movies, appearances, specials, and more plus, a biography, news, awards, and nominations. Theophile obengas most popular book is african philosophy during the period of the pharaohs.
Theophile obenga is the author of african philosophy during the period of the pharaohs 2780330 bce 4. Gbenga adigun is a member of vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Role of african science by professor theophile obenga. Docteur detat es lettres en sciences humaines sorbonne. Baba obenga gives us a wide selection from the living thought of kmt that demands a digging deeper into the deep thought of our living way maat, insisting that we go learn more and then return to it time and time again. The third cluster, comprising of four chapters, is a demonstration of the existence of an intellectual tradition whose ideas, applied to problemsolving conditions, helped lay a foundation whose impact is. Dec 15, 2015 after the release of his 8th album, mighty one god in september 2015 which includes hits like the award winning awesome god, yesu afayo and big god e. Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language and its modifications over a long period of time.
Olugbenga dawodu, mba is an internal medicine specialist in new york, ny. Books by theophile obenga author of african philosophy. Theophile mwene ndzale obenga was born in mbaya republic of the congo on february 2, 1936, at colonisation age. Directed by kaykas, this song has brought healing, hope and great joy to many across nigeria and the world. The unsettled question is how an african population could develop a language with such strong semitic language ties. Prof emeritus theophile obenga on the african origin of socalled. Theophile obenga kemet pays nation by teophile obenga. Catalog theophile obenga african philosophy, the pharaonic period. This is a great book written by a truly intellectual genius of his own rank. A series of lexical data gives to the comparison its systematic appearance1.
Get your kindle here, or download a free kindle reading app. He is a politically active proponent of panafricanism and an afrocentrist. African philosophy paperback december 1, 2016 by theophile obenga author 5. According to gbenga adenuga, every situation we faced or facing reveals a unique problem solving attribute of god. It has been regarded as canon that a great culture or civilization cannot be produced by african black people. Born in brazzaville, congo central africa, theophile obenga has studied a wide variety of subjects and has obtained a wide range of degrees. Join facebook to connect with theophile obenga and others you may know. Theophile obenga has written a great book showing the african background to greek philosophy.
Theophile obenga 2001 published a strong critique of this book. We own ancient egypt and black africa pdf, txt, epub, djvu, doc formats. A bbc news report of january 11, 2010 announced the discovery of a complex of tombs near egypts great pyramidskhufu cheops and khafre chephren. Professeur theophile obenga philosophe egyptologue youtube. Acoording to vedic astrology, rashi for the name olugbenga is vrushabh and moon sign associated with the name olugbenga is taurus the name olugbenga has earth element. Congratulations to olugbenga joseph 16, brown university s 2015 newman civic fellow for campus compact the newman civic fellowship is awarded to 250 students nationwide on 250 campuses who have demonstrated extraordinary civic leadership on and off campus and are committed to understanding the root causes of social issues that they see around them. The opinions expressed in this article are the authors own. Publication date 2012 topics theophile, obenga, kemet, kamites, kemites, grece, egypte, etat language.
Our faith in jesus reemphasizes and reconfirms he is the solution to every problem. Les systemes decriture en afrique noire culture kamite. Nov, 2015 autoplay when autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Creative and energetic gospel music minister, gbenga adenuga has released another powerful and infectious worship song, no limitations and its the talk of the town. Theophile mwene ndzale obenga, ne le 2 fevrier 1936 a mbaya republique du congo, est egyptologue, linguiste et historien.
Ancient egyptian astronomy dr theophile obenga the oldest pharaonic astronomical texts date back to the ninth egyptian dynasty c. Theophile obenga has 29 books on goodreads with 530 ratings. Rating is available when the video has been rented. This is dj mbenga interview by regis mijatovic on vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. After the release of his 8th album, mighty one god in september 2015 which includes hits like the award winning awesome god, yesu afayo and big god e. Cheikh anta diop and theophile obenga were right ancient. The points discussed in this lecture are expounded on. He dealt with my chapter in a short mocking ad hominem passage. View the profiles of people named theophile obenga. Directed by kaykas, this song has brought healing, hope and great joy. Theophile obenga, widely considered to be the current authority on african history and partner to cheik anta diop at the 1974 unesco conference in which they proved the race of. Often, theophile obenga is regarded as a second fiddle to cheikh anta who was. The recent archeological digs, however, confirm what the late senegalese physicist and egyptologist cheikh anta diop and congolese philosopher, egyptologist and linguist theophile obenga had said all along.
Obenga writing ancient egypt free 30day trial scribd. Docteur detat es lettres en sciences humaines sorbonne paris. Up next drtv convergence et revolution culturelle prof. Theophile obenga born 1936 in the republic of the congo is professor emeritus in the africana studies center at san francisco state university. The well laced and curled single was premiered with an absolutely detailed and crispy lyrics visual to help the fans master the song lyrics and rhythm.
Theophile obenga author of african philosophy during the. So if need to download pdf ancient egypt and black africa by theophile obenga, in that case you come on to correct website. Discover book depositorys huge selection of theophile obenga books online. African philosophy during the period of the pharaohs, 2800. Catalogtheophile obenga african philosophy, the pharaonic period. Zahi hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the egyptian excavation team stated that evidence from the site shows that the workers were employed for threemonth stints, and the.
Catalogtheophile obenga african philosophy, the pharaonic. The book traces the greek students routes when travelling to egypt in addition to providing the words of the students themselves and their references to learning in egypt. The song no limitation according to him is a testimony of his personal life story. Olugbenga awe, md is a family medicine specialist in hinesville, ga and has been practicing for 23 years. The study of writing provides a rich domain of cultural history and ideas which interwave the disciplines of philosophy and religion, linguistics and humanistic inquiry.
Autoplay when autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Two or more languages from the same geographical area give a lot of problems to the. Obenga takes issue with the term afroasiatic and states that the family is a scientific invention and falsely claims. This hardtofind gem of a book is a blessing from the master of wisdom himself jhwty. Theophile obenga and atomist philosophy in ancient. Theophile obenga where he discusses the ancient egyptian origin of atomist philosophy.
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